Harpists Helene Breschand, Rhodri Davies, Stina Hellberg Agback and Milana Zarić join forces in a cutting edge harp quartet. The group was formed at the World Harp Congress in Cardiff in 2022, where they were all individually performing contemporary composed and/or improvised music. They met the following year in Paris and subsequently on a tour in Sweden, where they performed each other’s pieces, mostly in the form of graphic or verbal scores and devised especially for this occasion. They commissioned and gave a world premiere of Magnus Granberg’s Blow Away, Skies So Grey! They performed in Uppsala, Atlantis Studio and Royal College of Music in Stockholm and at a lovely international performing arts festival in Vitlycke.

All members of the group are internationally accomplished creative musicians, working in the fields of contemporary composition, jazz, free improvisation, experimental music, dance and multimedia.
In their work, they focus on collaborative creation and careful listening to the interweaving threads of the multifaceted harp sounds. Special significance is given to development of new connections with audiences, as well as the visual component of their music making.
In 2024 they will collaborate with sound artists, composers and creative performers for a new project.

Hélène Breschand : https://helenebreschand.fr
Stina Hellberg Agback https://www.stinahellbergagback.com
Rhodri Davies http://www.rhodridavies.com
Milana Zaric http://milanazaric.com